Monday, August 2, 2010

Disposable inserts in their non-intended covers...

This past week we took one last trip "home". I had several extras of each of the disposable inserts, and a few huggies natural disposables leftover from previous trips so I decided to use 'em all up before opening up any new packages.

Right now, DD is nearing 13 pounds. She has short, deliciously chubby legs that are prone to red marks. For her, the FLIP covers and Gpants work best. She gets wicked red marks with the grobaby, but they don't seem to bother her and disappear within 2 diaper changes. That said, they are the last I grab.

I took 6 FLIP covers and the disposable inserts, as well as 1 thirsties DUO size 1, 1 grobaby and 1 Gpant.
What works best are FLIP covers w/ Gflushies, FLIP w/ biosoakers (best poop containment) and thirsties w/ Gflushies. The FLIP disposables aren't very good, but I heard they are redesigning them to make them wider. I'm excited to try that out because they are very soft.
Biosoakers are the best disposable insert for poop containment because of the gussets. When DD pooped w/ the gflushies, it always got on the cover. While the inside of the FLIP is wipe-able, the leg casing is not and we had to either hand wash or throw in w/ another load of laundry because poop always got on that leg casing or the back flap. I air dried everything. Overall, it worked out well. The Biosoakers are an awkward fit in the Gpants, they worked well in the thirsties (in fact, all of them work well in the thirsties).

I'll try to get pictures. I'm sorry for the lack of them...3 kids home for the summer and blogging doesn't happen as often as I hoped.


  1. Glad to hear that I'm not the only one to come to the same conclusions! We love our Gflushies in Flip covers. The Flip sposies, not so much. Not only are they tiny, but they aren't flushable in any way. I sometimes use them as extra bulk in a night diaper if I know DD has had a lot to drink, but otherwise, they're pretty useless.

    DH still loves the biosoakers in a GroBaby cover but I find the gflushies easier to wrangle with baby is a bit wiggly.

  2. Hi! Have you tried the gdiapers inserts in the Flip covers? I've heard that's a great combo. I'm expecting my first baby in December, and I'm trying to find the best diaper option. Thanks!
